Fiber Art Now – Fall 2023

  • 96 pages
  • Printed in the USA
  • Single issues are available for purchase below.

Our Fall 2023 issue is not to be missed! Our two featured artists will blow you away. Linda Kamille Schmidt’s art is brightly colored and whimsical, and Kira Dominguez Hultgren’s woven works will draw you in.

A unique business venture, a dive into the world of personal vices using fiber art techniques, tufted life-size figures, an award-winning fiber artist’s studio, and “no limits” wearable art . . . Our columns never cease to inspire.

And don’t miss the innovative quilts from our Excellence in Quilts III exhibit. Stitched, pieced, layered, printed, and so much more. It’s all there, and it’s sure to amaze and inspire. 

FEATURED ARTISTS: Liv Aanrud | Kira Dominguez Hultgren | Kalila Jones |
Marty Ornish | Linda Kamille Schmidt |
Kathryn Greenwood Swanson | Sean Tyler 

JURIED ARTISTS: Linda Anderson |
Geneviève Attinger | Linda Beach |
Deb Berkebile | Charlotte Bird | Rodger Blum | Pat Budge | Susan Byrnes | Sandra Champion | Jennifer Evans | Dianne Firth | Helen Geglio | Carolyn Harper | Judy Hooworth | Laurel Izard |
Regina Jestrow | Chriss Johns | Ann Johnston | Patty Kennedy-Zafred | Paula Kovarik |
Betty Jane Lau | Eleanor Levie |
Tanya Lieberman & Roberta Monte James | Viviana Lombrozo | Niraja Lorenz |
Gabrielle Lundy | Fuzzy Mall |
Valerie Maser-Flanagan | Paula Nadelstern |
Ree Nancarrow | Wen Redmond |
Irene Roderick | Joan Schulze | Phillip Schwartz | Blair Treuer | Ann Vollum |
Laura Wasilowski | Deborah Weir |
Debra Weiss | Hope Wilmarth

FEATURED ARTISTS: Liv Aanrud | Kira Dominguez Hultgren | Kalila Jones | Marty Ornish | Linda Kamille Schmidt |
Kathryn Greenwood Swanson | Sean Tyler 

JURIED ARTISTS: Linda Anderson | Geneviève Attinger | Linda Beach | Deb Berkebile | Charlotte Bird | Rodger Blum | Pat Budge |
Susan Byrnes | Sandra Champion | Jennifer Evans | Dianne Firth | Helen Geglio | Carolyn Harper | Judy Hooworth | Laurel Izard |
Regina Jestrow | Chriss Johns | Ann Johnston | Patty Kennedy-Zafred | Paula Kovarik | Betty Jane Lau | Eleanor Levie |
Tanya Lieberman & Roberta Monte James | Viviana Lombrozo | Niraja Lorenz | Gabrielle Lundy | Fuzzy Mall | Valerie Maser-Flanagan | Paula Nadelstern | Ree Nancarrow | Wen Redmond | Irene Roderick | Joan Schulze | Phillip Schwartz | Blair Treuer | Ann Vollum |
Laura Wasilowski | Deborah Weir | Debra Weiss | Hope Wilmarth

Issue Preview

Campus Connection

Kalila Jones’s journey into the world of fiber art started at a young age, heavily influenced by her great grandmother. A shift in focus at university led her to the unique wearable art we see in this issue. Read her story in our Campus column.

Featured Artist

Featured artist Linda Kamille Schmidt combines brightly colored fabrics to create “veils of color.” Schmidt merges carefully selected fabrics in a variety of weights and types and layers them, embracing any imperfections as part of the effect of the work. 

Art Business

A carload of cloth meant for Kathryn Greenwood Swanson’s own projects morphed into a business. Check out “Unfolding a Vision” in our Business column, and read about the birth of The Stash House, a place that makes sure no one goes away without whatever they need for their project.

Excellence In Quilts III

Sue Benner, juror for our Excellence In Quilts III exhibit, selected works that pulled her in, innovative works that were compelling. These quilts have a strong narrative. Many speak to social issues, and all display a variety of techniques and materials. You won’t be disappointed.

Featured Artist

Featured artist Kira Dominguez Hultgren is a storyteller who tells her stories through weaving. Using a wide range of fibers and materials, she creates a metaphor for the mixing and reframing of cultures and personal history. Be sure to read “Unravelling and Reweaving a Story.”

Grant Recipients

With so many worthy entries, it’s a difficult task choosing the recipients of our Fiber Art Now grants.  In this issue, you’ll read about the Philadelphia Guild of Handweavers who received our Operating Expenses Grant, and Christina M. Harkness, who was awarded our Public Installation Grant. Don’t miss these interesting stories.

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Dianne Firth

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