Submit Your Workshop

Whether your workshops are online or in-person, Fiber Art Now is here to help you get the word out. Our readers are looking to be amazed and inspired. You have the goods! Add your workshop information below, and let’s get started!

Workshop Title*
Please be as brief as possible
Can be a range if necessary. Please include incidental or other associated expenses
Please be as concise as possible. 25 words or less, please
Workshop Format*
In-person: physical presence required || Online: web-based format; not time-sensitive || Virtual: online meeting with specific time/date such as a Zoom webinar
Upload Image*
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Cover image best representing the workshop or event. JPG or PNG formats with web resolution of approximately 1000 pixels wide. Submitted images will be cropped to a 1.6:1 aspect ratio.
Start Date
Date of workshop (or first day of multi-day workshop)
Link to Workshop*
Please include the URL back to your website or Facebook event where people can find out more and/or register for your workshop

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